Taiko Drums, Jazz Choir to Perform at Salem School Fair during National School Choice Week
RSVP for FREE to Options in Education Fest – 2019
SALEM (Jan. 11, 2019) – Japanese Taiko drums, a jazz choir, and an acting class will perform at the Options in Education Fest featuring a wide variety of schools from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 19 at the Salem Convention Center.
Nearly 1,000 people are expected to attend the National School Choice Week celebration.
Dozens of schools from every sector – public charter, public magnet, private, virtual, and homeschool – will be represented, helping hundreds of families find the right school or educational setting for their children.
This event is planned to coincide with the history-making celebration of National School Choice Week 2019, which will feature more than 40,000 school choice events across all 50 states.
“School choice is the pathway to success,” said Bobbie Jager, school choice outreach coordinator at School Choice for Oregon. “Helping all children and parents find the right fit builds confidence and gives students the power they need to become their greatest selves.”
School Choice for Oregon is hosting the event. School Choice for Oregon is a project of Cascade Policy Institute, a nonpartisan, nonprofit research and education organization based in Portland. Cascade Policy Institute has promoted educational choice for all Oregon families since 1991. For more information about the Options in Education Fest and School Choice for Oregon, contact Bobbie Jager at [email protected] or 503-510-9106.
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As a nonpartisan, nonpolitical public awareness effort, National School Choice Week shines a positive spotlight on effective education options for students, families, and communities around the country. From January 20 through 26, 2019, more than 40,000 independently-planned events will be held in celebration of the Week. For more information, visit www.schoolchoiceweek.com.